Friday, October 3, 2008

What A Day!

Sunday was a special day at our church. We dedicated the new Sanctuary and Educational building to the glory of God. It was an amazing day! We had several guests and many of our church family that have moved in recent days were able to be here enjoy the day. I am thankful for the love and dedication people have for this church whether they are able to physically attend or not. There are some of our senior adults who can not come now because of health reasons and yet they still support the church with their prayers and resources God has blessed them with. Their commitment is such an encouragement. The people here love each other-we are not perfect by any means-but we are a family.I do not get to see my family in Georgia but about once a year. I could not imagine giving up the chance to be with them if I possibly could. That brings me to a question-Why would anyone not want to be with the family that loves them and has supported them many years?  Maybe the parallel question is, "Why would I leave my family?" The longer I am in local church ministry the more I am intrigued why people leave a church. I know that many times the decision is extremely difficult-I am not questioning that! Is it a question of commitment? It is a personal preference? Many times God gets blamed for it! I am so thankful for my family at First Free Will Baptist Church of North Little Rock. Share your reasons with me. I was just thinking!  

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