Friday, July 5, 2019

Be faithful!

I was privileged to speak at the Baccalaureate Service at Welch College in May. I asked myself the question, "What did I wish someone had told me when I graduated from Welch 33 years ago?" I thought about what challenged could I give these students who were about to walk out in ministry, some for the first time. The Lord brought me back to the thought time and time again, "Be faithful."
Be faithful because God is faithful. Be faithful to the God that has saved you and afforded the education you have been given. Be faithful to your calling, whatever area ministry God has called you to. By the way, I do believe every Christian is called into ministry! Be faithful to your family (marriage and children). Be faithful to the Word of God. Be faithful to the denomination who has help provide for your education. Be faithful to the people God has called you to serve. Be faithful to Welch College.
There are hindrances to being faithful (1) Delayed obedience to the Word of God, (2) Letting comfort be your driving force and (3) Being caught up in the comparison trap!
Being faithful is not an option in the eyes of God. He is constantly looking for faithfulness in the lives of believers. Everyone does not have the same opportunities. Nor do we all have the same abilities. But we all have something. We have the capacity to be faithful in our own life. (Matt. 25:14-30). Be faithful!